The quality of the product solely depends on the material and process quality. In all industries specially in pharmaceutical and life sciences some product and services are procured from different vendors, and it’s necessary those things are up to the mark provided by qualified vendors.
Our solution helps in evaluating vendors in more efficient way and helps organizations for time saving.
New vendors qualification by different documents and verification manually takes time.
Difficulty in exchange and storage of documents through emails.
Difficulty in managing large no. of vendors.
With VQM
Predefined documents section and approval with additional document provision as per regulatory.
Electronic document management and review on same platform for vendor as well as QA team requirements.
Organized vendor list with smart categorization.
Difficult to manage, archive and retrieve documents at the time of audit.
Difficult to give controlled access of documents to different vendors for confidentiality.
With VQM
Centralized electronic storage, to avoid duplicity of data and one click retrieval.
Access is defined for different user for different work as per their role and can be configured as required.
Manual task tracking prone to loopholes & errors leads to bad output.
With VQM
Automated task tracking and reminders for smooth workflow that leads to excellent output.
Manual audit scheduling and follow-up.
With VQM
Vendor audit scheduling, follow-up, and observation management till compliance is received.
Hard to comply with regulatory.
Manual system lacks reliability and compliance.
With VQM
Easy compliance with required regulatory.
Electronic system with audit trail, e-signatures, and regulatory compliance.